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We will familiarize you with the basics of the game – Texas Hold’em poker combinations in this article. Look through and memorize them in detail, as this is the first thing everyone who wants to learn to play poker should know.
Texas Hold’em combinations consist of five cards. The best combination is chosen out of the seven cards which are dealt (two cards for each player and five community cards placed on the board), and this combination is used in the game. The statistical probability of collecting the Texas Poker combinations determines their seniority. The older the combination, the better it is, and the less chance you have to collect it.

All combinations in Texas Hold’em poker in descending order


Royal Flush

Royal FlushRoyal FlushRoyal FlushRoyal FlushRoyal Flush

The best combination of the Hold’em. It consists of five cards of one same suit, from ten to Ace. As a reminder: in poker, all suits are equal in value. This means that although highly unlikely, it is possible that all players collect the same cards and have the same combination. In that case they divide the pot between them.

Straight Flush

Straight FlushStraight FlushStraight FlushStraight FlushStraight Flush

This combination of the Texas Hold’em consists of five consecutive cards of different suits. In the picture, you can see straight to Jack. Also, just as with the cases described above, if a few players end up with straight, the highest card determines the winner. Straight consisting of the 6,7,8,9, T would lose to our combination, while the straight consisting of T, J, Q, K, A would beat it. It is also worth noting that the ace can be used as a low card for the straight A, 2,3,4,5,6.



This poker combination consists of four cards of the same ranking and one of any kind. Example here shows four eights and a five. If two or more players have collected quads, the winner will be the one whose cards are higher (for example, four nines beat for eights). Some poker variations allow the players to collect equal quads combinations, in which case the card that determines the winner is the fifth one. This way, a player with quads with eights and a six will beat the player who has eights and a five.



Full-house consists of three cards of one rank and a couple of cards of another. In this example you can see three tens and a couple of fives. The strength of this combination is decided by the rank of the three cards. This particular full-house would be beaten by three Jacks and a couple of fives. If the players collect the same threes, the winner is determined by the rank of the couple: three tens and a couple of fours would be lower than our card combination.



Five cards of the same suit, which can be arranged in any order. In the picture a flush to the Queen is shown. If a few players have flush, the winner is determined by the highest card. If players’ highest cards are equal, the winner is determined by the value of the second, third, fourth and the fifth cards, respectively.



This combination of the Texas Hold’em consists of five consecutive cards of different suits. In the picture you can see straight to Jack. Also, just as with the cases described above, if a few players end up with straight, the winner is determined by the highest card. Straight consisting of the 6,7,8,9, T would lose to our combination, while the straight consisting of T, J, Q, K, A would beat it. It is also worth noting that the ace can be used as a low card for the straight A, 2,3,4,5,6.



Three cards of the same rank and any other two cards. For example – three fives. Three sevens would beat this combination, while three nines would beat three sevens and et cetera. If the players collected the same triples, the winner is determined by the value of the highest unrelated card, or, if these are equal as well, by the value of the second unrelated card.

Two pairs

Two pairsTwo pairsTwo pairsTwo pairsTwo pairs

This combination consists of two cards of the same rank, two cards of a different rank and one additional card. The ranks of the cards that constitute the two pairs determine the value of the combination. If the highest pair is the same for a few players, then the value of the next pair is taken into account.

For example, this example would be beaten by a pair of aces and a pair of sixes, as well as a pair of Queens with a pair of sevens. If a few players have collected the same pairs, the value of the fifth card is taken into account. Thus, a pair of Kings, a pair of sixes and a four would beat our combination of the Texas Hold’em.



Two cards, which are the same. The rank of cards that make up the combination determines its value. For example, a combination in the example would be beaten by a pair of eights. If the players collected the same pairs, the winner is the one with the highest unrelated card. If the highest cards are equal as well, the second card is taken into account, and, if the need be, the third one.

The highest card

The highest cardThe highest cardThe highest cardThe highest cardThe highest card

The weakest option is the absence of combination. In that case, five best cards are chosen out of seven, and the seniority is determined by the highest card. In this example we have a combination with the highest card – the Queen. If the players have the same highest cards, then the value of the second, third, fourth and sometimes even the fifth card, if necessary.

That’s it! The strength of the combination depends on the type of poker you’re playing, the number of your opponents and many other factors. You will learn the real power of the poker combination when you get the first playing experience. Now let’s move on to learning the rules of playing poker.

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