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Watching hockey is a pleasure. Betting on hockey is completely different. When it comes to successful bets, players consider many factors that may affect the course of the match. For example, the size of a hockey rink.

It may seem unimportant. How can a couple of meters change the fate of a match and betting on hockey? And why, back in 2020, did the European media begin to actively discuss the transition of all world hockey championships to Canadian venues? Today we are talking about hockey rinks, their sizes and differences.

Small size trend


Perhaps the first thing to establish is that the site isn’t the main part of hockey. The match itself and its effectiveness are a matter of motivation and excellent preparation of hockey players. The platform, rather, is an additional important tool that can help achieve the goal but not the main character of the match.

High-end players demonstrate high results in both small and large venues. You don’t have to look far to find an example: Evgeny Dadonov, Artemy Panarin, or any other star-level hockey player who has established himself in the NHL. When the training of athletes can be seen from afar, the issue of the site fades into the background. And saying that the team lost only because of the site is wrong. Then what’s the point?

The rink size is a direct aid for the development of tactics and a tip for those who love sports betting.

On a small ice rink, the coach can choose one style of play, while on a large court, completely different strategies are at play. The size of the court can help the players or give them a disadvantage.

The reduced rink size is currently becoming more popular in the KHL, and professional bettors don’t place bets without information about the ice rink

Types of hockey ice rinks

There are three main types: European, Finnish, and Canadian. Let’s take a closer look at each one of them.
European rink (60х30 metres)
In hockey, it has a clear nickname, the airport. This is the most common type, and it can be found in many leagues in Europe. The European rink is a classic. Impressive size is considered a pro for attackers. And this isn’t far from the truth because it becomes more difficult for defenders to control their area of the ice field, even physically.
The realities of large venues are even more pessimistic. If you’re watching a match on a European rink, don’t expect to see vigorous and dynamic action. A large field promotes smooth movement with only classical music missing. It feels like hockey players have enough time to get tired while sliding from one edge of the court to the other. In addition, old-school players are well aware of the notorious 30 meters long width, which makes the edges of the ice field an exclusion zone. If the puck enters this zone, the goalkeeper can catch a break. This fact seems a little relaxing for the players, and sometimes the game turns into a monotonous puck rolling.
Finnish rink (60х28 metres)
This type of rink has different names: a compromise, an average value, a gap between two extremes. The Finnish rink started to gain popularity when the organizers realized that hockey is all about dynamics and action. They’ve decided to cut off a few meters, and now the rink looks a little smaller, which, indeed, added pressure and light tension to the matches. A real competition began between the teams. The Finnish version is the golden mean that’s liked by many.
Canadian rink (60х26 metres)
Out of sight, out of mind. This rink is even four meters smaller than the European rink. The version of the ice arena is the closest to a perfect one and is the same size as the famous ice rink in Montreal.
What are the benefits of a small rink? Some of the many reasons include the possibility of making mistakes and immediately correcting this error. Additionally, players can display dynamic hockey where players fly like arrows. Hiding behind the defence is no longer possible, so the pucks are rushing headlong. If truly powerful players enter the ice rink, they are well aware that they will definitely catch the opponent. A small playground welcomes everyone and helps the strongest.
There is an opinion that hockey on the Canadian rink is primitive. Some even say that the players can’t express their skills. Don’t trust them. A miniature platform, indeed, promotes quick decision-making. If you slow down the rhythm of the game even a bit, taking decisions becomes simple. But a trained team will show beautiful hockey in a small rink.
The Canadian site is the best option for many reasons. An additional pro is its similarity with the rinks from Canadian history, where hockey was played on ice rinks of similar size..

How does the site affect bets?


Before placing a bet, the bettor must find out what the size of the site is, as it obviously affects tactics and predictions.

There are a few unspoken clues dictated by the sites themselves.

There are never too many pucks

Canadian courts promote high performance since a high number of goals in the game is almost guaranteed. This doesn’t come as a surprise because, in a small area, teams immediately join the game, trying to score as soon as possible. That is why attacks rain down on goalkeepers. We advise you to opt for a team with powerful centres and to place total bets more often.

… and penalties

The small ice rink leads to collisions, both accidental and not. There is an explanation for this: it’s difficult to defend delicately from a physical point of view. Some rivals prefer using an aggressive style of play, as the rink itself allows for frequent shoulder-to-shoulder meetings. Correspondingly, the match won’t end without angry whistles from the referee and penalty minutes.

It’s easier for the team to position themselves on the field

On a smaller rink, it’s much easier for hockey players to create a set-up focused on defending their territory. Therefore, if betting live, your best option is to opt for powerplay goals. Most likely, when one of the teams scores the puck, the line-up will be different.
Also, the Canadian site provokes shootouts. If the teams keep playing into extra time, it’s quite obvious that there will be a shootout. This adds an extra layer of intense passion to the game.
A massive transition to the Canadian site will definitely change the course of hockey for the better, and it will be more convenient for bettors to calculate predictions.


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Kristaps is an expert in the field of online casinos. Since the age of 20, he has been interested in casino games; poker and blackjack are his favorites. Thanks to his studies and work experience, he has found himself a gambling critic and analyst. He likes to share his own authentic experience with the audience, so his articles are very informative. Kristaps' lifelong dream is to participate in a poker tournament in Las Vegas.



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