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Among all sports disciplines that bettors are interested in, boxing requires special attention and study. To effectively bet on boxing online, you need not only to know the statistics but also to understand this sport. Years of practice and hundreds of viewed confrontations are the best strategy for an expert.

It may seem that betting on an outsider is a disastrous business. In fact, it’s not like that at all!

Viewers made bets on fist fights long before the advent of bookmakers. In our time, you can bet on an official boxing match without leaving your TV. However, a bet without any strategy is a losing bet. Today we will talk about a betting strategy of waiting.

What the waiting strategy is used for


Due to the obvious superiority of the favourite, many can draw strong conclusions about the absolute loss of a weaker boxer in a particular fight. However, often an obvious outsider wins in what initially seems to be an unequal battle.

Usually, at the same time, a less powerful fighter conducts a whole range of special events:

  • the athlete seriously studies the opponent and selects strong partners for sparring
  • the defence is strengthened by studying and using techniques that would be inconvenient for the opponent
  • strikes are practised and weak zones are searched for in the enemy’s defence
  • tactics are developed for rounds, a scheme is developed for the entire fight
  • general physical training (especially endurance) constantly increases
  • psychological preparation of a fighter, setting up for a duel.

As a result, a ready-made fighter appears at the beginning of the fight, capable of standing in the ring with dignity against the backdrop of the favourite. This is why it is worth drawing attention to the strategy of waiting.

The essence of the waiting strategy


A waiting strategy is a special type of financial scheme that requires a lot of patience and perseverance. It is based on bets on the victory of outsiders. This strategy is applicable for betting on martial arts, primarily boxing and mixed martial arts (UFC).
There is a relatively small number of major leaders in boxing who can win a fight with a great advantage in all tournaments. In this case, the basis for applying the waiting strategy in boxing matches is to bet on the victory of a weaker opponent.
In the waiting strategy, you can also play a round for the favourite. If suddenly there is a clear leader in the fight, and the fight is not in the lightest weight, the probability of a knockout is high. By guessing the round in which one boxer will knock out the other, you can increase your bank. Sometimes the coefficient exceeds 10.0 or even 20.0. simply because there are 12 rounds in boxing. Guessing the match will end is quite difficult.

Advantages and disadvantages of the waiting strategy

The main advantages of this strategy are very high odds and the use of the Martingale technique used in all sports, which is also called catch-up.
In addition, analytics and statistics confirm that a quarter of boxing fights are won by outsiders, which has logical explanations. That is, the strategy is also supported by numbers.
The disadvantages of the strategy are usually attributed to the fact that it is designed for a long time, so there is simply no momentary benefit here. This scheme is suitable for real betting enthusiasts who prefer painstaking analytical work.
Of course, you need to carefully calculate the pot and be prepared for a series of failures. You should be able to bet on a knockout in the 10th, 11th or 12th round. Therefore, it is important not to overestimate the initial amount of the bet. After all, by the end of the battle, funds may otherwise not be enough.

Secrets of betting on the waiting strategy in boxing

The most important circumstance when choosing the waiting strategy is to take into account the following factor: the motivation of the weaker boxer must be very high, but the favourite will most likely underestimate the danger of the opponent. It needs to be understood, known, and seen. The search for strong-willed outsiders or favourites prone to frivolous preparation is the main task of the bettor with the waiting strategy.
Notably, the waiting strategy is not designed for the short term, but for increasing the bank over a distance. The essence of this financial scheme is based on the winnings of weaker fighters. For beginners in this strategy, it seems that betting on outsiders is a sure way to lose money, at least because of the obvious leader of a stronger boxer.
It is very important in the waiting strategy to conduct a thorough and comprehensive analysis of opponents. Immediately after choosing the fight to bet on, it is recommended to keep records of boxers in digital form (including all factors influencing the fight).
With the correct application of the waiting strategy, the bettor can look for the necessary events and make winning bets. Mainly, you should adhere to the rules of financial strategy and take into account all possible moments and the smallest details, which are often forgotten by bettors.

Tips for beginner bettors


While preparing to use the waiting strategy, bettors forget to conduct a competent analysis, which takes into account all sorts of factors and small details that affect the result.

We have collected several factors that novice bettors miss when analysing information about an upcoming fight. But they are just one of the steps to the success of the player on the bets. Such subtleties are:

  • Significance of the tournament. The profitability of the fight plays a key role.
  • Athlete motivation. Even with a clear difference in class, strong fighters enter the ring with amazing ease, which sometimes leads to shocking results, namely, unexpected losses.
  • Psychological aspect. Before the start of the fight, you should review the comments of the fighters and head coaches.
  • Training efficiency. If the favourite has problems in preparation (small damage or conflict with the coach), the chances of the underdog will increase.
  • Venue. If an outsider performs at home, then the chances of winning increase due to the loyalty of the judges and the support of their own fans.

The waiting strategy is betting on a weaker boxer with the hope of getting a good win due to high odds. The technique works, which is confirmed by statistics. Be sure to apply a deep analysis of boxers and an additional catch-up strategy.

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